Promise Land LLC
Dedicated to Quality!
We will schedule each family separate that we are working with.
Our practice has changed and we are no longer
doing general visits for the public due to
Covid can be transmitted to puppies and dogs.
We are using email for puppies.
Our Goldens descend from European Lines
Promise Land's puppies are sold with a lifetime of support.
Well, socialized!
AKC Ltd Registration Documents
Worming (3 Dewormings, Coccidia & Giardiasis treatment for prevention )
One set of Vaccinations (Distemper, Canine Hepatitis, Adenovirus Cough, Parainfluenza and Parvovirus)
Bordetella (Kennel Cough) Vaccine
Rule of 7s in Puppy Socialization used
Each puppy comes with a one-year health guarantee. We will extend our warranty if NuVet is given. This ensures us the dog is maintaining great nutrition. When you use NuVet, ordering with our reference number, we will extend our warranty for an additional 24 months (combined total of 3-year warranty).
Puppy Packet (Buyer’s guide including the pedigree, LTD AKC registration, a toy they have played with and has been rubbed over mom, a sample packet of food, emailed (training tips, feeding tips, things poisonous, suggestions and health tips).
We now also included 30 days free of Trupanion Insurance.
Final check-up from the veterinarian where they are given a heart and full body examination.
Health tested Sire and Dam-Our health tests include Hips, Elbows, Heart, Eyes, Thyroid, Dentition
Genetic testing -We have gone to Embark for screening of our next generation of breeding parent.
Embark also prevent prevent inline breeding of dogs too close together, which causes genetic defects in the offspring.
We are inspected by Anne Arundel County Animal Control yearly.
We are a member of the Golden Retriever Club of America.
We include in our health screening tests for our Golden Parents Pennhip, OFA Elbows, OFA Eyes, OFA patella, OFA Dentition, OFA Thyroid, OFA Heart and genetic testing is also done. This is to ensure health offspring.
We are a Breeder with Heart with AKC.
We are rated excellent by Good Dog in the evaluation of Golden Retriever Breeders going above what the Golden Retriever Club of American guidelines for breeding dogs required.
Most of our breeding dogs live in Guardian/ Foster homes with there loving families. They live normal dog lives some sleep in peoples beds. They go to the park and some go to work with there Guardian's daily. Unless the families that house the dog go on vacation, the dog has a vet appointment or they are currently being bred they are not in our kennel. Every dog on this website does yearly checks by a veterinarian. Many people participate in the raising of these puppies. Promise Land also work's with different organizations and have provided service dogs to be trained.
We love Pawtree and feed to our dogs and puppies. Press link
Bernies Perfect Poop!
This works wonderful taking your puppy home when they are nervous or anytime the dog gets a GI upset.
This contains Pre and Pro Biotics, Enzymes for digestion as well as extra fiber to firm stool.
PROMISELAND20 is our discount code.
The Institute for Responsible Technology Pets and GMOs. Promise Land Goldens puppies & our daughter on the program.
Angel one of our puppies
on WBAL TV with
Dr. Hammond. 2019
Promise Lands
Fire House Dog
One of our Service dogs for a wonderful special girl. We don't train but are so happy we could provide the dog.
If you are looking for a wonderful cause to support, please consider donating to Hero Dogs, which is a non-profit corporation for disabled veterans.
Service Dogs for our America Hero's. Please see some of our stars training at Hero Dogs.
We cheer Skipper on and
wish him luck.
We cheer Holly on and
wish her luck.
The Instagram photos are fun to see and follow. They will give you ideas used for the socialization of your own puppy to follow. This will also teach you a bit about what service dog training entails.
Promise Land Goldens had a wonderful innovative fun year in 2017. We have had several great adventures with our puppies this year. They were in a movie on the health of dogs and Non-GMO Foods. The puppies also did photo shoots for CTIA Everything Wireless in Washington DC which represents all wireless companies. In 2019 little Angel was with Dr. Hammond on WBAL TV. We are so proud of our little stars.
Golden Retriever Breeders - Maryland
Promise Land Goldens's...
From Our Heart To Your's!
We thank our customers for providing their pictures.
Cali one of our little sweet hearts.