Promise Land LLC
Dedicated to Quality!
Please Email For Questions
Promise Land's puppies are sold with a lifetime of support.
Please note most dogs live in Guaridan homes with living with loving families.
Well, socialized!
AKC Ltd Registration Documents
Worming (3 Dewormings, Coccidia & Giardiasis treatment for prevention )
One set of Vaccinations (Distemper, Canine Hepatitis, Adenovirus Cough, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus)
Rule of 7s in Puppy Socialization used
Each puppy comes with a one-year health guarantee. We will extend our warranty if NuVet is given. This ensures us the dog is maintaining great nutrition. When you use NuVet, ordering with our reference number, we will extend our warranty for an additional 24 months (combined total of 3-year warranty).
Puppy Packet (Buyer’s guide including LTD AKC registration, a toy they have played with and has been rubbed over mom, a sample packet of food.
We now also included 30 days free of Trupanion Insurance.
Final check-up from the veterinarian where they are given a heart and full body examination
Health tested Sire and Dam-Our health tests include Hips, Elbows, Heart, Eyes, Patella's, Dentition
Genetic testing -We use both Embark and Paw Print for screening of our next generation of breeding parent.
We are inspected by Anne Arundel County Animal Control yearly.
We are a Breeder with Heart with AKC.
We are rated Excellent by Good Dog.
Most of our breeding dogs live in Guardian/ Foster homes with there loving families. They live normal dog lives some sleep in peoples beds. They go to the park and some go to work with there Guardian's daily. Unless the families that house the dog go on vacation, the dog has a vet appointment or they are currently being bred they are not in our kennel. Every dog on this website does yearly checks by a veterinarian. Many people participate in the raising of these puppies.

We use VICTOR Purpose Performance Formula Dry Dog Food which you can order from Chewy.com for our dog food . This is a premium dog food.
We love Pawtree treats and give to our dogs and puppies.
Press link below.



Although everyone agrees that the Boston Terrier came into existence in the late 1800s in Boston, Massachusetts, there are varying stories about how the breed came to be.
In 1889, about 30 owners of Boston Bull Terriers formed the American Bull Terrier Club, and they called them Round Heads or Bull Terriers. Bull Terrier and Bulldog fanciers objected to the name. Since the Bulldog contingency had a lot of power with the American Kennel Club (AKC) at that time, the Boston Bull Terrier fanciers decided that discretion was the better part of valor and changed the name of their club to the Boston Terrier Club, in tribute to the birthplace of the breed. People started referring to the breed as Boston Bulls.
The breed was recognized by the AKC in 1893. The Boston Terrier was one of the first Non-Sporting dogs bred in the U.S. and was the first of the 10 made-in-America breeds currently recognized by the AKC.
In the 1900s, the breed's distinctive markings and color were painstakingly written into the standard, making them an essential feature of the breed. The little American Gentleman, as he was called in the 19th century, is definitely a lover, not a fighter, although males have been known to show their terrier ancestry with a bit of posturing when they feel their territory is being invaded by another dog.
A True American Hero:
In 1921 a Boston Terrier called Stubby became the most decorated dog of the First World War. Sergeant Stubby was the first dog to be given a rank in the US army, possessed three service stripes, a wound stripe, and recieved the military Gold Medal. It's said he once caught a German soldier by the seat of his pants and held him until backup arrived.
According to the American Kennel Club, the breed ranks twenty first in popularity among all dog breeds in the United States in 2019. There weight can vary from 12 lbs to 25 lbs. is a growing popularity in people interested in a smaller version of the French Bulldog – the “mini Frenchie” Average lifespan of 11-13 years.
Boston Terriers are highly affectionate dogs who get along with all members of the family in just about any type of home, even apartments. However, these playful pups also need plenty of exercise. If you can give your dog lots of love and physical activity, you’ll have an adoring and loyal best buddy. Boston Terriers are known for being very intelligent— sometimes too much so.
The Boston Terrier's small size and lively, affectionate nature make him a great family pet and companion. They love children and amuse people of all ages with their antics and unique, appealing expression. They are especially good companions for older people, children and apartment dwellers. Just as much as the kids would love this dog, the Boston Terrier itself loves the kids and plays with them a lot. This is why they are a part of many households now. They are great companions for every family.
They learn quickly and do well in dog sports like agility and flyball. They’re also quick to pick up tricks, although they do have a streak of terrier stubbornness. But it’s hard to stay annoyed with a Boston, especially when he looks at you with that intelligent, quizzical gaze.
Sensitive to owner’s mood:
Owners find that Boston Terriers are really sensitive animals; they’re very intuitive to their owner’s needs and moods.
As gentle as these dogs are, they can be mildly stubborn. This stubbornness can be actually be a sign of their intelligence, but either way, it’s still something that you’ll have to deal with. One good way to motivate your Boston Terrier is through the use of treats.
The best solution is to create a loving relationship between you and your dog, so you wouldn’t have to wave a treat at it every time you want it to obey you.
What is the Boston Terrier Breed Structure:
Although Boston Terriers are small, they're sturdy and muscular. They have a sleek, shiny, straight coat with crisp white markings in a pattern that resembles a tuxedo — is part of the reason they gained the name American Gentleman. The stylish 'tuxedo' coat can be white and either black, brindle, or seal (dark brown). Boston Terriers' distinctive ears naturally stand erect and are quite large.
Boston Terriers have a broad, flat-nosed face without wrinkles. They belong to a class of dogs called brachycephalic (brachy meaning short, and cephalic meaning head). Like other brachycephalic dogs, the lower jaw is in proportion to the body, but they have a short upper jaw to give them a "pushed in" face. As a result, respiratory effort and open-mouth breathing are commonly seen in Boston Terriers. These dog breeds are popular and include the Frenchie, Boston Terrier, all types of Bulldogs, Pug, Boxer, Pekingese, Lhasa Apso and the Shih Tzu etc.
Boston Terrier have large, round eyes can shine with kindness, curiosity, or mischief. Ever alert to their surroundings,
Boston Terriers have large and beautiful but somewhat protruding eyes, protecting them is extremely important. Sun exposure for long periods of time must be avoided. They should never be allowed to stick their heads out of automobile windows because the air pressure on the eyes is bad (true for any dog). You should not hike with your Boston in excessively dusty conditions. Its a good idea to carry a dog eyewash eye drops with you so that if dust, sand or plant matter does get in their eyes, you can wash it out before they rub their eyes, risking scratches. If you have landscaping that contains thorny plants such as roses or cactus, you will need to arrange some way of insuring that your Boston cannot get into the area with these plants.
Exercise-Temperature regulation-related issues
Short-nosed dogs like Boston Terriers can't cool the air going into their lungs as efficiently as longer-nosed breeds, and they're much more susceptible to heat stress. Because of their short coat, they can't stand extremely cold weather either.
Yes, Boston's are great dogs for apartments due to their size, demeanor, and exercise needs. Boston's also have an attitude of playfulness and going with the flow, they are not overly energetic all day long. Take them on a nice long walk every day they will be more than happy to just chill out on the couch and watch TV with you in the evenings. Boston Terriers are great dogs for apartment living. It’s a small breed with a friendly personality and doesn’t bark much. Also, Boston Terriers are low maintenance dogs that don’t require much exercise.They generally need 30 minutes to an hour of daily exercise. Boston Terriers need to be mentally stimulated and release all their energy daily to prevent them from manifesting behavioral problems.
A Boston Terrier is low-maintenance. His short coat is easy to groom and isn’t a dog known for shedding heavily. A weekly brushing to remove dead hair and keep his skin healthy is more than enough for a Boston Terrier.
Also, Bostons don’t have the typical dog odor so it’s not necessary to bathe them often. If they don’t get dirty by something in particular, having a bath every few months is more than enough. Boston Terrier only needs basic care. Cut his nails every couple of weeks in case he doesn’t wear them naturally, and brush his teeth frequently to avoid bad breath and mouth diseases.
Boston terriers are not the easiest dogs to housetrain, but they are not the most difficult either. The important things you need to potty train a Boston is to be patient, consistent, and keep constant supervision. Small dogs have small bladders and tend to go to the bathroom more often. When they are puppies they may need to go every hour, but over time they will be able to hold it more. They just take a while to pick up on housebreaking. Using puppy pads is a good option if it’s not possible for the owner to regularly take his dog out.
Boston Terriers are smart dogs that are always eager to please so they are usually easy to train. But they are also known for having a pretty stubborn side so they also require patience and perseverance to train them. But they are usually food-driven dogs which can greatly facilitate the training process.
Boston Terriers are quite sensitive dogs so you always have to use positive reinforcement methods to train them. Using punishments and physical corrections with these dogs can backfire and it can be easy to lose their confidence.
But both training and socializing allow a Boston to grow up with a balanced temperament and as a well-behaved dog.