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Service Dogs and Independent Living
Dogs are excellent companion animals and can be trained to bring extra support to owners with disabilities in Pasadena. There are many benefits to individuals who own service dogs, including increased independence.
Difference Between Service and Emotional Support Dogs.
There is a difference between service dogs and emotional support dogs. Service dogs come under the umbrella of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are allowed to travel places other dogs can not. Service dogs also fall under the Fair Housing Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and are allowed to live in a rental property where animals are normally banned.
Service Dog Benefits
Service dogs are popular with veterans, individuals diagnosed with a mental illness, and those experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. These animals are trained to nudge, lick, or paw owners who are having flashbacks or nightmares. Veterans who are hyper-alert in public find that the service dog reduces anxiety and acts as a buffer or protector from strangers.
For owners with seizures, the animal can alert them to an oncoming seizure and work to keep them safe during the episode. For owners with allergies, such as peanuts, the animal can warn them of the possible danger of ingesting harmful foods or substances. In addition, some service dogs are scent trained to alert people with diabetes of rising or falling blood sugar levels.
Service animals can assist individuals in Pasadena who use wheelchairs or those with mobility issues by performing tasks that the owner can't easily perform. They can turn on lights and open doors. For owners who are hearing impaired, they can alert them to alarms and doorbells or strange noises. For the visually impaired, service dogs can help them venture outside of their homes safely and live a more independent life.
Service animals not only provide companionship but are great for individuals with a mental health diagnosis. They can calm individuals with a mental illness diagnosis. They're popular with individuals diagnosed with PTSD, anxiety, depression, and autism.
Choosing a Breed
When choosing a service dog breed, put looks aside and consider your disability and what size dog you need. For example, individuals who experience balance issues may need a dog weighing at least 50 pounds. Some dogs are more independent than others, and some are very connected with their owners, requiring more attention. Remember, there's an adjustment period for both you and the animal. Limit stress to help it settle in and give it time to bond with you.
Needed Supplies
Ensure that you have all the pet supplies your new service animal will need before its arrival. Read in-depth product reviews from reliable online sources to help you purchase high-quality and useful items with staying power. Your trainer may recommend additional items and a fenced yard.
Before hiring a contractor in Pasadena to fence your yard, read reviews online. You'll want a contractor who is insured, licensed, and aware of underground utility lines. Costs will depend on the size of the fence, the cost of materials, and the location.
The Perfect Service Animal
Choosing a suitable service animal to meet your needs is of utmost importance. For more tips and information on the perfect service animal breeds, check out Promise Land Goldens.
Author: Patrick Young
Promise Land Goldens Holly

Promise Land Goldens Skipper